Reality happens.
ARS was born in 2012 when Philadelphia Firefighter Tim Anderson found that the traditional tools available for high stress rescues didn’t match the reality of the conditions in which these rescues evolved. He needed simple gear. Equipment that was effective within the environmental and human factor constraints of truly bad days. With the help of his wife’s sewing talent, the Multi-Loop Rescue Strap came to life. Though the MLRS started as a tool for his own pocket, as others saw its capabilities demand rapidly increased and Anderson Rescue Solutions LLC was officially incorporated in 2016.

Today, ARS strives to design the best gear for First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers, Military Operators, and anyone who demands the very best out of their gear in the very worst conditions. Our team includes a robust cadre of professionals including Firefighters and EMS Providers, US&R Rescue Specialists work-at-height professionals, and Combat Veterans, brining varying perspective to bear on complex problem sets. By building simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility into every tool we engineer, we enable high risk professionals to best perform their jobs.

Anderson Rescue Solutions: tools to thrive in your reality.

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